This Week's Page (25 October 2004)

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F33DBACK~~~Page #1: "Hmph!"

Righties then! First strip up today, even if it is early and unfinished. Surprised on how well the stupid thing came out, both design-wise and inking-wise. That and the fact that nearly everyone I asked said it looked really cool didn't help my spontaneous fit of glee either.

Imagine that-not even a week in and I've already got my first guest strip. Well, it doesn't really have anything to do with the comic plotline itself-just a random scribbling done by a friend who was inspired by my mad drawing skillz. That'll go up as soon as I get my bum in gear and write up some HTML for a Comic Archive page.


Scenario and characters � Lori Connor.
'Sunday Bloody Sunday' � U2.
Rockman, Blues and Forte � Capcom.
Steal and perish, buddy.